If you are in need of assistance for any type of addiction or mental health issue for either yourself or a loved one, the first thing Insightqld.org wants you to know is that even if you are in the very beginning stages of researching information and advice, there is so much help available in today’s world. We believe that reaching out in every possible direction is a critical first step.
Years ago, I remember reaching out to a program called Alateen, a support group for teenagers who are trying to deal with the effects of a family member’s drinking. Back then, there was no internet to search for supports as there is today.
I was fortunate enough to have a friend who helped me find Alateen. Today, supports and programs are as close as a phone call or online chat. Even better, there are countless programs for people no matter what the issue is, whether it’s drugs, mental health (which encompasses many categories), alcohol, etc.
What you will find during your search is a fountain of helpful advice, training, referrals and more! Let that be your starting point. Each place you contact will lead you to the next step!